Category Archives: In My Presence

Transforming Love

Transformation beginsAllow Me to transform you as you relax in My Presence. I speak healing peace to your spirit as you completely focus on My love for you. Truly, My mercy and grace will wash away any fear that threatens  to overwhelm you; My love will change that fear into a confident trust in Me.

I tell you that your time and your energy are precious commodities that must be used wisely, so turn your eyes upon Me, and allow My Spirit to guide your steps today.


Blessed be His Name

create in meIn order to live in My Presence, you must recognize your rebellious tendencies. As you come to realize that you may resent My interference in your daily life. You can then bring those tendencies boldly before Me, and I will cleanse you of them and set you free!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord; He gives and He takes away. Blessed be His name.


Be Loosed!

IMG_20160823_153006Be ye loosed this day to worship Me with abandon, O child of Mine, for this is indeed the day that I have declared to be your rest!  Hear My whispered call beckoning you to that secret place that We share, and be drawn to the Well that will never run dry.  In this place I will saturate you in the sweet goodness of My Spirit, you will be renewed once again; and then…….go to church!  There you can now feel free to worship Me in the fellowship of other believers and be encouraged in your walk with Me.


In My Presence

Do you truly want to hear My voice, timid one? Do you want to entrust your worries into My care but struggle to know how? Truly, I tell you that you must do nothing except sit in My Presence and invite Me to share in your day.flee his presence

Give to Me all that concerns you. Let Me set you free from the fear that is hiding deep within you. It all begins… in My Presence.
Rejoice in this day that I have made! Trust that I Am abundantly present, regretting nothing, allowing Me to be bigger than your circumstance.


Come Back

return to metool Where has your resolve gone, My child? Remember how close We once were? We shared a Spirit that was crafted by Our Father to empower Us to face every challenge of each day. Stop where you are and turn back to Me for I AM still here.
Allow My Spirit to cleanse you of regret and self-condemnation in preparation for the joy that will flood your whole being! Then you will be able to  sing – ” It is well with my soul!”
