Category Archives: Peace

Anxious Moments

Lasting abundant Life is found only in Me. Why do you continue to seek satisfaction for your flesh in this fallen world?
Instead, bring those anxious moments and the fears that haunt your spirit into My Presence and leave them with Me. I will replace your anxieties with hope for the future, a lightness in your step, and a river of Joy that cannot be denied.


Going Deeper

Victory is My promise when you fight your battles on your knees. Because you are My child, I will always hear your cries and be your Protector, your Provider, your Avenger, your Healer.  Come deeper still into My Presence and experience the quiet Peace that is your reward.

Path to Peace

Be still, My child, and enjoy the peace I offer that only floods your being when you sit at My feet. Breathe in the air of My Presence and relax as My Face shines our Father’s Light upon you. Surely the brilliance of My Glory will dull any anxiety you feel this day.
Hide this serenity in your heart for it truly is an inner treasure that grows within you as you get closer to Me. Guard it as the treasure you have uncovered for you own – indeed, it is meant for you alone.


Undeniable Joy

Turn your gaze towards Me this day of rest and focus your heart on  Me with all your being. Relax in My loving arms without worrying about those around you so that you might experience My deepest Peace., My unconditional Love, My  undeniable Joy.
Respond to My Presence today by worshipping Me in spirit and and in truth. Truly, you will leave that place satisfied!


Yes, I Am a sovereign God, and My ways are higher than yours; nor can you think My thoughts.  Will you not worship Me today with your whole heart just as you did when we first met?  Remember?   I  do,  indeed,  restore your hope and your joy when you rest peacefully in My Presence.

Draw daily from this Well which never runs dry, and your cup will surely overflow…
