Category Archives: In My Presence


Remember, dear one, that even though I choose to dwell with you, I Am still the Creator of all heaven and earth. Use this day to see your surroundings with My eyes so that you can prepare your heart to worship Me in pure spirit and undiluted truth.
My Spirit has been imparted to you to be your Helper. Sit with Us so that We might open your eyes… Come. Now is the time to worship.



Yes, I Am a sovereign God, and My ways are higher than yours; nor can you think My thoughts.  Will you not worship Me today with your whole heart just as you did when we first met?  Remember?   I  do,  indeed,  restore your hope and your joy when you rest peacefully in My Presence.

Draw daily from this Well which never runs dry, and your cup will surely overflow…


Gift of Joy

Even though many tasks are clamoring for your attention, I call to you to be still in My Presence. Only I can multiply your time and organize your thoughts. Only I can prepare you for the battles to come and the obstacles in your path to crush.
Linger with Me before you begin your day, and the joy of the Lord will surely be your strength.


Make Time

God so lovedMake time to sit in My Presence and soak in my Glory, for this is the place you draw strength to face your day with confident boldness. My peace will flood your soul and this will bring clarity in your mind – it will sharpen your thinking; it will lighten your step; it will carry you along the path I have chosen for you.
Come, My Child, and take My hand. We can accomplish much together.


Seeking Him

IIMG_20160801_222236f you will seek Me, you will find Me,  dear one. My imminent Presence is a constant shield that protects you from the fiery darts of the enemy as well as a comforting shelter where you are encouraged to face every challenge with confidence . Truly I tell you that you cannot hide your thoughts from Me,  so embrace My intimate nearness and allow My Glory to fill you and then usher you into your day.  Can you see? Victory is Mine!
