Category Archives: Free

Walking and leaping and praising God

walking-and-leaping-and-praisingThere are signs and wonders following Me everywhere  I go . You too can experience  the same exhilarating life that the lame man who begged at the temple gate experienced. He chose to trade his dependency on the generosity of mankind for the healing grace that I can offer. 

Indeed, freedom from your bondage is a declaration away.  My Spirit woos you to jump to your feet and began to walk. In exhilarating  freedom you can boldly enter My  courts with praise on your lips. Rise up, My child, and proclaim  your destiny as an overcomer! 


Blessed be His Name

create in meIn order to live in My Presence, you must recognize your rebellious tendencies. As you come to realize that you may resent My interference in your daily life. You can then bring those tendencies boldly before Me, and I will cleanse you of them and set you free!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord; He gives and He takes away. Blessed be His name.


Set Free

freedom - John 8:36There is now no condemnation for those who belong to Me. Indeed, I have pardoned your every transgression and I have redeemed you for all eternity. Leave that burden of guilt at the foot of My cross, trusting Me to deliver you from eternal judgement. Accept once again My sacrifice and trust Me to lead you beside still waters that will refresh you, restore you, and fill you with a new hope for your future.


Be Loosed!

IMG_20160823_153006Be ye loosed this day to worship Me with abandon, O child of Mine, for this is indeed the day that I have declared to be your rest!  Hear My whispered call beckoning you to that secret place that We share, and be drawn to the Well that will never run dry.  In this place I will saturate you in the sweet goodness of My Spirit, you will be renewed once again; and then…….go to church!  There you can now feel free to worship Me in the fellowship of other believers and be encouraged in your walk with Me.


Victory is Mine

Throw off that spirit  of heaviness and wrap yourself in My robes of righteousness. I bought this robe especially for you, paying the IMG_20160822_004133highest price. I want you to feel comfortable wearing My righteousness, trusting Me to lighten your burdens as you walk with Me. “Rejoice not over me, my enemy, for even though I fall this day, I will rise…” (Micah 7:8 – paraphrase mine)

Draw strength from My Word and be prepared to conquer any foe, for My Glory is Your shield, just as My blood is your covering. Come and prepare to celebrate My victory beside Me.
