Set Free

My imminent Presence permeates the very air you breathe; I Am nearer than you can imagine, always ready to answer when you call My name. I desire to satisfy your every need, fulfill every lonely moment, answer your every doubt. Allow Me to empower you to boldly proclaim deliverance from oppression in this world and then believe that I Am your shield.

freedom -  John 8:36I tell you truly that because I have set you free, you are free indeed!

Are you ready?

There is truloil-in-my-lampy healing grace when you rest in My Presence for I AM your Restorer. I will restore your broken heart with songs of deliverance; I will remove the fear that grips your spirit and place it under your feet.  Yes, dear one,  it is My Purpose to cleanse you of evil and replace the void with My good, My direction for your life, and My Joy. Are you ready?


Blessed and highly favored

Sspirit-and-the-bridetrive this day to remain conscious of My Presence even in your busiest moments. Include Me in your conversation; tell Me what delights you, things that upset you. Share your thoughts and emotions with Me – not for My sake, My child, but for yours.

Confessing that you are indeed blessed and highly favored as a child of the king, will keep you close to Me as we walk on Our narrow path toward Our Father.


Walking and leaping and praising God

walking-and-leaping-and-praisingThere are signs and wonders following Me everywhere  I go . You too can experience  the same exhilarating life that the lame man who begged at the temple gate experienced. He chose to trade his dependency on the generosity of mankind for the healing grace that I can offer. 

Indeed, freedom from your bondage is a declaration away.  My Spirit woos you to jump to your feet and began to walk. In exhilarating  freedom you can boldly enter My  courts with praise on your lips. Rise up, My child, and proclaim  your destiny as an overcomer! 


Goodness & Mercy

goodness-and-mercySurely Goodness and Mercy shall follow you….because you are faithful to trust in Me; because you choose to be thankful in all circumstances. As you keep your eyes on Me, the easier it is to trust; the more you trust, the easier it is to be thankful in every situation.

Can you see, My child, how your faith in Me will protect you throughout your day? Come! We have work to do…..
