Healing Grace

Have you heard? There is an eternity of trouble-free, pain-free living prepared for you….
healing-graceCome, all who are weary; I AM your Source for healing grace. I AM the fire that burns away every impure thought. I AM your refreshing fountain of Living Water who can completely cleanse you and restore your soul. Truly, I AM all that you need today.



Focus your attention on Me and all that I can accomplish in you rather than dwell on your personal weaknesses and failures. Indeed, give thanks for the things that We do together.

Self pity is a tool of your enemy that will diminish our bond, thus weakening your resolve to overcome the obstacles in your path. Draw strength from My word and be encouraged, so that any temptation in self-indulgence is conquered by My power that lives within you. Again, I tell you that My Father in heaven does see what We do in My name. So come! Let’s praise Him together.



Are you weak and heavy burdened? Praise Me! Have you sustained a major victory? Praise Me! A major setback?  Praise Me!
What are friends for?img_20160910_010428
Friendship is rooted in relationship, true. I Am waiting in our secret place so that we can strengthen  our bond, deepen  our friendship, and ultimately grow Our influence in the community. Take My hand.  We will walk side by side in a chaotic world.

Help for today

Come, My child, into your hiding place and share your concerns for the coming day – I AM waiting for you. With My help you will overcome the obstacles in your path for truly I AM your ever-victory-in-jesuspresent Help in troubled times.

As you seek Me, allow My Spirit to fill you with the confident authority possessed by a Child of the King. Stand and face your day with boldness, expecting to be victorious. Indeed, I have already gone before you.
