Category Archives: Free

No condemnation

Yes, My child, the law of the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death – there is now therefore no condemnation for you who dwell in Me! This radical freedom can be your way of life as you come to Me each day, fill your soul with My love, and accept your birthright…. That your joy may be full!


He set you free

If your journey in this valley has exhausted you, remember that I  am waiting to restore your energy, your will, and your enthusiasm. Bring your weariness to Me, and I will set you free from the chains that bind you,the darkness that envelopes you, and the enemy who oppresses you.

Indeed, freedom from the law of sin and death is My eternal promise to you.


Loosed to Worship

free-to-worshipBe ye loosed this day to worship Me with abandon, O child of Mine, for this is indeed the day that I have declared to be your rest! Hear My whispered call beckoning you to that secret place that We share, and be drawn to the Well that will never run dry. In this place I will saturate you in the sweet goodness of My Spirit, you will be renewed once again; and then…….go to church! There you can now feel free to worship Me in the fellowship of other believers and be encouraged in your walk with Me.



Set free

freedom - John 8:36Be ye set free from daily tasks that are performed for any reason other than serving Me. Have you forgotten that I promised you that My burden is light? Stop striving in your flesh when it cannot be blessed.

Empty your schedule of all busyness for, truly, it does not glorify Me. Instead, join Me in Our secret place so that I might minister to your spirit and energize you with pure joy.


Set Free

My imminent Presence permeates the very air you breathe; I Am nearer than you can imagine, always ready to answer when you call My name. I desire to satisfy your every need, fulfill every lonely moment, answer your every doubt. Allow Me to empower you to boldly proclaim deliverance from oppression in this world and then believe that I Am your shield.

freedom -  John 8:36I tell you truly that because I have set you free, you are free indeed!