Show me your way

God so lovedDo you desire to know Me intimately? Spend time with Me in your secret place. Walk with Me and tell me what is in your heart,

Do you want understanding? Read My Word. Ponder My truths in your heart.  Study to show thyself approved.

Do you seek wisdom?  Ask Me. Indeed, you have not because you asked not.

Do you want what I’ve got?



OvercomerFocus your attention on Me and what I can accomplish in you rather than dwell on your personal weaknesses and failures. Self pity is a tool of your enemy that will diminish our bond, thus weakening your resolve to overcome the obstacles in your path. Draw strength from My word and be encouraged, so that any self indulgence is conquered by My power that is within you.


Give thanks

Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow you….because you are faithful to trust in Me; because you choose to be thankful in all circumstances. As you keep your eyes on Me, the easier it is to trust; the more you trust, the easier it is to be thankful in every situation. Can you see, My child, how your faith in Me will protect you throughout your day? Come! We have work to do…..



Are you distracted as you seek Me this day? Do not be frustrated, just refocus – that’s all. I’m here always; I will never leave you. img_20161117_010035Rejoice this day knowing that I have gone before you and prepared your path so that you can walk confidently in the tasks set before you. Be encouraged while you linger in My Presence; recognize that your own weaknesses will only reveal My power to overcome every obstacle to your victory this day.


Storing up treasure

Each time you acknowledge Me, you build trust in our relationship. The more you trust Me in your daily life, the easier it will be to turn twait-for-meo Me when you are in turmoil.
Spending quiet time in My Presence is how you store up treasure in heaven, and that treasure converts to peace in the midst of any storm. In the quiet of the morning, draw strength and confidence to face every circumstance, and expect victory at the end of the day.
