Category Archives: Walk with Me

Christ Centered

Your greatest strength is your awareness of your need for Me in your life. When you rest, I cover you; when you awake, I fill you; and when We walk together, I lead you in the path of righteousness.
jesus-be-the-centerup You can make Me the center of your life by praying without ceasing. Use My Name throughout your day, reminding yourself that I AM by your side. We can pour love out on all we meet today.


I have your back!

seeWill you allow Me to remove all distractions and bless you with My Word for you? My desire is that you depend on My Light to guide your steps and trust that I have you firmly in My grasp. I will never let you go!
Truly, I AM your security; I AM the everlasting arms that can protect you from all that would threaten you. I AM next to you; I AM before you…one step at a time. Surely My Goodness and Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life – WE have your back!


Nothing is too difficult

RememberRemember today that I AM your hiding place. Come to Me with all of your fears, all of your short comings, all of your weaknesses. The balm that I offer will heal your every need – physical, spiritual, emotional.

Focus your thoughts on My Goodness and recall that I AM able to do more than you can ever imagine. Yes, indeed, nothing is too difficult for Me.

#whowantswhatyouvegot ?


and he walks with meHold My hand and walk with Me today. Tell Me about your plans, your fears, your intimidations. Give your concerns to Me so that We can accomplish much today together. Allow My Spirit to use your words to bless others and not condemn.
Be aware of My Presence in every situation and respond to others through My filters of discipline and patience. As you practice My Presence, a positive attitude will replace your impulsive negative responses, and Joy will flood your day .



Focus your attention on Me and all that I can accomplish in you rather than dwell on your personal weaknesses and failures. Indeed, give thanks for the things that We do together.

Self pity is a tool of your enemy that will diminish our bond, thus weakening your resolve to overcome the obstacles in your path. Draw strength from My word and be encouraged, so that any temptation in self-indulgence is conquered by My power that lives within you. Again, I tell you that My Father in heaven does see what We do in My name. So come! Let’s praise Him together.
