Absolutely nothing takes Me by surprise. Trust Me, dear one, to protect you from overwhelming circumstances as long as you stay by My side. Remember that My Glory surrounds you as well as it goes before you. Declare your dependence on Me as you encounter every o
bstacle, and My joy will flood your spirit, fill you with enthusiasm, and then strengthen your resolve to be an overcomer.
Category Archives: Overcome
Energized by His glory
Hear My admonition, dear one. Time, as you know it, can frustrate your intent to sit in My Presence and be energized by My glory.. If you will discipline yourself to master your time, then the clock will never become your master. Indeed, I dwell in timelessness, but I will help you to focus on My plan within the constraints of your day. The demands will lessen, and My Light will lead you without flaw.
Come. Wait patiently with Me while I pour out My Glory on you.
Focus your attention on Me and what I can accomplish in you rather than dwell on your personal weaknesses and failures. Self pity is a tool of your enemy that will diminish our bond, thus weakening your resolve to overcome the obstacles in your path. Draw strength from My word and be encouraged, so that any self indulgence is conquered by My power that is within you.
Are you distracted as you seek Me this day? Do not be frustrated, just refocus – that’s all. I’m here always; I will never leave you. Rejoice this day knowing that I have gone before you and prepared your path so that you can walk confidently in the tasks set before you. Be encouraged while you linger in My Presence; recognize that your own weaknesses will only reveal My power to overcome every obstacle to your victory this day.
I have overcome this world; I have triumphed over your every trial and every difficulty. I have defeated your enemy whose only purpose is to rob you of the joy and peace that I have given to you. Indeed, his job is to render your witness useless so that none would want what you’ve got.
Be set free this day by My love; be filled with My Joy . Rejoice, I say, in this glorious truth – because you are joint heirs with Me, you are an overcomer too!