All posts by Cherie Jones

Follower of Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come.

Share your joy

Time with Me is the best preparation for this day! Join Me in your quiet place and listen for My voice. I will direct your steps and fill you with a confident boldness. I will be a Light on your path, and I will bring to your remembrance any Word that you need to be an encouragement to those you meet.
Are you ready to share the joy that you possess ?


Time is valued

Time moves at My pace, did you know? It truly is the only commodity that each man on earthmake-time is given the same amount of each day. Therefore, it is your most valued possession.
As you come into My Presence, reflect on how to spend this valuable gift today and receive My deepest peace as you plan Our walk together. Then you can turn your focus on the opportunities that lie ahead with boldness and expectation.


Fear Not

fesr-notTake My hand, impetuous one, and focus on Me. I am leading you in the path you should take. When you look past Me you are missing My present direction and My present blessing.
Life lessons are learned in the valleys, and the greatest blessings will not be missed when your eyes are on Me. Fear not,  for I Am with you.  Indeed,  i will help you,  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.



gratitudeThankfulness is not magic, it is an attitude that will immediately usher you into My Presence. A grateful heart will focus on your blessings in the midst of trials and the hardest of life’s tribulations. In this place of gratitude, I can lavish My grace and unconditional love on you, so that you can then, in turn, bless others.
Be ye filled with the Joy of the Lord!


Choose My Presence

As you journey through life, there are many pitfalls. My Presence is both a promise and a shield of protection. I can defend you from the choose-whom-you-will-servedarkness of self-pity and despair, pride and self-will…but you must willingly accept these gifts.

Yes, even those who care for you most will lead you away from My side. So, I say, “Choose you this day whom you will serve… ”
Truly, My precious child, My Presence is your most precious gift today.
