Category Archives: Trust

Find Restoration

If your journey has exhausted you in this Valley of transition, remember that I Am patiently waiting to restore your energy, your will, and your enthusiasm. You can find Me beside the still waters where I encourage you to drink deeply from My fountain of love for you. psalm 23
While you linger in My Presence, I will remind you that all I expect from you is your adoration and ultimately your trust.

Ever-present Help

Nothing is too difficult for Me!
Psalm 56:3Come, My child, into your hiding place and share your concerns for this day – I am waiting for you. With My help you will overcome the obstacles in your path for truly I am your ever-present Help in troubled times.
As you seek Me, allow My Spirit to fill you with the confident authority possessed by a Child of the King. Stand and face your day with boldness, expecting to be victorious. Indeed, I have already gone before you.


I Am Here

romans-8-28Every detail of your life is under My control. All things work together for good for those who love Me – remember? Know that I am always close and always working on your behalf; never doubt that I am caring for you.
By faith, dear one, believe that My Presence is a hedge surrounding you. Trust My Word; accept that is true, and then you will experience My Peace.


Playing it safe

Your desire to live a risk-free life is a form of unbelief. Yes?

Isafetyt’s true, I understand the struggle within you that pulls you toward self-preservation. I am training you to be willing to go out on that limb with Me. It is a very safe place, indeed! In order to follow Me, you must give up your tendency to play it safe.
As long as you stay close to Me, My Presence will protect you in every circumstance. Relax, My child, and enjoy your day!


Consistent Trust

prov35-6Trust Me with all you have within you. What We can accomplish together is proportional to how much you will depend on Me. Difficult times will heighten your need for Me in your life, but be aware that you can be lulled into a sense of self-sufficiency when circumstances do not pressure you to turn to Me.
Your goal is to consistently trust Me, giving thanks in all circumstances so that you are always full of JOY.
