Giving Me the control of your mind is the ultimate acknowledgment of your trust in Me. Truly, your thoughts are elusive, your decisions are inconsistent, and your self-confidence crumbles with every attack by the enemy. Come to Me, I say, and touch the scepter in My hand. Allow My Spirit to exchange your weaknesses for courageous boldness, battle ready, and confident humility. Prepare for the battles to come….in My Presence.
Will you linger in our secret place with Me for a while longer? Resist your impulse to plunge into your day and stay in My presence without anxiousness … if you will call out to Me, I will answer you; yes, I will tell you great and mighty things.
Relax with Me so that I might prepare you completely for the day.
Surely you will be blessed and ready for every circumstance that faces you today!
How sweet that hour of quiet devotion when your mind is trained on Me! Can you hear My voice calling your name when you arise before the sun? Are you aware of My Presence orchestrating every circumstance of your day? Join Me, weary child, in our secret place so that My rivers of living water can restore your soul?
Truly I tell you that as you worship Me in the stillness of your secret place, you will find more than just a refuge from things unseen or misunderstood. Open your ears, My child, and hear My Voice; soak in My Presence, and you will gain instruction from My Holy Spirit. Indeed, the more you listen, the more confident you will become.