All posts by Cherie Jones

Follower of Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come.

Boundless Love

jealous GodTrust Me with all of those whom you love; allow Me to be their Protector and the Lifter of their heads. Truly, they are hidden in the shelter of My wings where they will be nurtured by My Spirit . I will ultimately use every situation for their good.
Hear My words, Child of Mine! I am a gentle yet jealous God – even parental love cannot come between us. As you release those loved ones into My care, you can then  become  free to hold tightly to Me. I will, indeed, shower blessing on them for your sake. Come, bring them all…


Trust Me

Again I say, TRUST ME and do not be afraid. Learning to lean on Me is part of your spiritual maturity. Yes, you live in the midst of fierce spiritual battles, and yes, the enemy uses fear as a weapon against you. So, whom do you fear? What is too hard for Me?things hoped for

In this quiet place, draw strength from My Well. Speak the overcoming power of My Word out loud to put those helpless frustrations under your feet. Victory is Mine; none can deny.


I Know You

I know every thought before you think it; I know every word before you speak. I Am the air you breathe. My Presence is hovering around PhotoGrid_1456545991857you, waiting for you to stop and seek Me.
In all your ways acknowledge My existence and I will cleanse you; I will tell you things of the Spirit; I will strengthen you with My joy, and then you are victorious.

As I flourish in you, My Light will shine through you… Then I can reach others… your example.


Enemy Territory

Eph 6 - Shield UpKnowing that you are dwelling in enemy territory, are you truly prepared to suffer for Me? All suffering has meaning in My kingdom – pain and problems are opportunities for you to demonstrate your trust in Me.
Do you understand that you will be afflicted because of Me? Use every situation in your day to glorify Me; thank Me; praise Me! Joy will then swell from the ashes of adversity and draw you even closer to My heart.
