Nothing is too difficult

RememberRemember today that I AM your hiding place. Come to Me with all of your fears, all of your short comings, all of your weaknesses. The balm that I offer will heal your every need – physical, spiritual, emotional.

Focus your thoughts on My Goodness and recall that I AM able to do more than you can ever imagine. Yes, indeed, nothing is too difficult for Me.

#whowantswhatyouvegot ?


and he walks with meHold My hand and walk with Me today. Tell Me about your plans, your fears, your intimidations. Give your concerns to Me so that We can accomplish much today together. Allow My Spirit to use your words to bless others and not condemn.
Be aware of My Presence in every situation and respond to others through My filters of discipline and patience. As you practice My Presence, a positive attitude will replace your impulsive negative responses, and Joy will flood your day .


Healing Grace

Have you heard? There is an eternity of trouble-free, pain-free living prepared for you….
healing-graceCome, all who are weary; I AM your Source for healing grace. I AM the fire that burns away every impure thought. I AM your refreshing fountain of Living Water who can completely cleanse you and restore your soul. Truly, I AM all that you need today.
