Shhh! You can only learn when you are silent, so come into My Presence willing to listen for My still, small voice. My Spirit will minister to you in this quiet place and teach you the intimate ways of the Lord. Indeed, in this secret place you will be strengthened to face the giants of your day and you will know the unexplainable joy promised to those who ask.
Again, I say, shhhh!
As you journey through this life there are many pitfalls along the way. Are you listening for My voice among the many that clamor for your attention? Truly, it is My voice that will direct your steps, and it is My Spirit that will protect you as you work for Me in enemy territory.
Avoid the miry pits of despair and the slippery slopes of self preservation by keeping your focus on Me.
My promises never change; I will love you forever, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Will you trust Me?
As the sun comes up to light your day, will you pause and listen to My voice? I have made plans for you knowing exactly how to arrange your schedule, who to bring across your path, and I have implanted Words of encouragement for you to cast onto fertile ground.
I will not reveal to you what lies ahead, but be assured, My child, that I have equipped you to survive whatever comes your way. Yes, we are more than survivors – We are more than conquerors – together.
Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow you….because you are faithful to trust in Me; because you choose to be thankful in all circumstances. As you keep your eyes on Me, the easier it is to trust; the more you trust, the easier it is to be thankful in every situation.
Can you see, My child, how your faith in Me will protect you throughout your day? Come! We have work to do…..
The JOY of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10