Absolutely nothing takes Me by surprise. Trust Me, dear one, to protect you from overwhelming circumstances as long as you stay by My side. Remember that My Glory surrounds you as well as it goes before you. Declare your dependence on Me as you encounter every o
bstacle, and My joy will flood your spirit, fill you with enthusiasm, and then strengthen your resolve to be an overcomer.
Category Archives: Confidence
Because you have faithfully sought Me in the early morning mist, My love is released to flow through you, nourishing your spirit with enthusiasm for the opportunities of the day before Us. Indeed, My loving-kindness will gently wash away any fear that threatens to distract you.
Turn your eyes upon Me in your secret place, and I will banish any apprehension that threatens your confidence to win each battle you face. As you soak in My Presecnce I will empower you to minister with a holy boldness that can only come through Me.
Great Anticipation
Apart from Me you can do nothing, so come into My Presence with breathless anticipation ….
- Expect My Peace to immediately envelop you
- Expect My Joy to flood your soul;
- Expect My Love to never fail you; and
- Expect My Light to direct your path.
- Proclaim your victories with confident boldness for you are , indeed, a child of The King.
Preparation for Battle
Giving Me the control of your mind is the ultimate acknowledgment of your trust in Me. Truly, your thoughts are elusive, your decisions are inconsistent, and your self-confidence crumbles with every attack by the enemy. Come to Me, I say, and touch the scepter in My hand. Allow My Spirit to exchange your weaknesses for courageous boldness, battle ready, and confident humility. Prepare for the battles to come….in My Presence.
Wisdom is what you want
What do youwant from My Father in heaven? Only My Light can illuminate your path through the darkest of valleys. Only My Voice will guide you through the noise that threatens to distract you.
When you feel overwhelmed with confusion… Stop! Wait! Wait until you hear Me clearly. It is then that you will walk confidently out of that darkness into My marvelous Light.
Truly, it is wisdom that you seek.