Great Anticipation

Apart from Me you can do nothing, so come into My Presence with breathless anticipation ….

  • Expect My Peace to immediately envelop you
  • Expect My Joy to flood your soul;
  • Expect My Love to never fail you; and
  • Expect My Light to direct your path.
  • Proclaim your victories  with confident boldness for you are , indeed, a child of The King.


Who loves you most?

Slow your steps in this fast paced life so that you can fall into My waiting arms. In this place of loving submission, I can carry you into a  the quietness of Our secret place. It is here that you can, indeed, hear My still voice as I  whisper your name and speak wholeness and life into your chaotic world.

Rest, My child, in the arms of the One who loves you most; I will heal the wounds that have been inflicted by the fiery darts of the enemy and I will carry you through to the end of your day.


Saturated in Jesus

Do not be downcast, My child, for the law of the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death. Indeed, your focus must shift from seeking approval in this world to accepting My unconditional love for you.

This freedom will become your habit as you seek Me each day.  As  you saturate  your soul with My forgiveness  and truly accept My unconditiona gift of Love , you will then be that bold witness with a powerful testimony of victory,
