Category Archives: Refuge

I AM your refuge

photogrid_1452817840628-1I AM your refuge, your strong tower, your hope; yea, I AM truly your ever-present help and protection in times of distress and danger. Stand still in the midst of your tribulation so that you can hear My voice when I call your name. In My Presence you will experience My Spirit burn away anything that is unholy. I will become your shield that protects you from the fiery darts of the evil one, and I will be your covering. This is what I’ve got – assurance of victory!


Enemy Territory

Eph 6 - Shield UpKnowing that you are dwelling in enemy territory, are you truly prepared to suffer for Me? All suffering has meaning in My kingdom – pain and problems are opportunities for you to demonstrate your trust in Me.
Do you understand that you will be afflicted because of Me? Use every situation in your day to glorify Me; thank Me; praise Me! Joy will then swell from the ashes of adversity and draw you even closer to My heart.
