All posts by Cherie Jones

Follower of Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come.

Robes of righteousness

It was My choice to shed My blood for you.  Indeed,  freely I allowed my body to be crucified so that you might have eternal life with Me. Cover yourself with My sacrificial robes of righteousness so that you can boldly enter My Father’s sanctuary.

Come, My precious one. Stand under the spout where My Glory pours out and experience complete forgiveness. Here you will be filled to overflowing with the ability to forgive others…and then your Joy will be full.

You are chosen

Child of Mine, do not doubt that I have chosen you since the beginning of time. We created you to walk the paths chosen for you. Believe that a hedge of protection is securely in place and that you can flourish, and yes, prosper as you strive to keep pace with Me;then you will relax and enjoy Our relationship in the present.
Indeed, your hope and your future are secured for eternity. Nothing can take this inheritance from you. Embrace My love, trust that my promises are true, and share your joy with any who has an ear to hear.


Fear hinders focus

Fear not, for I Am behind you. And yes, I Am your shield going before you. Trust Me to do what I have promised to do. Truly, I can do a better job than you! My power cannot be surpassed nor usurped.
Hear My word: fear can hinder the flow of My Power; so focus on My Glory and trust Me in all circumstances. When you turn to Me as your Source, there is no limit to how much I can strengthen you.


His plan forever

My purpose for your life has been planned since the beginning of time. Indeed, I have called you to pursue a holy life as you study My Word and get to know Me intimately. Are you comfortable becoming vulnerable in My Presence?  I want you to come to Me with all of your tears, questions, and doubts and I will change your fear into a bold testimony that truly sends a sweet aroma towards heaven.


Child of the King

My Father commanded that all of His angels would be commissioned to protect you before time began, and I have been charged with preparing a place in eternity for you. Yes, you are so loved!

Can you comprehend that you are joint heirs with Me, that I willingly paid with My life so that you have access to My Father’s throne?   Indeed,  you are a child of the King.