True humbleness will take the sting out of any adversity you will face today. Come, my weary child, and sit in My Presence and allow Me to wash away all pride so that I can fill your heart with a spirit of humility…
As you seek My face – regardless of the chaos of your day – I will flood your being with genuine serenity and pure Joy; enough for you and enough for those with whom you will share.
Much time and energy are wasted in elaborate plans that do not glorify Me. When you allow My Spirit to lead you through the day you are set free to enjoy My Presence. I have everything under control. Yes, My ways are different than yours, My way leads to life eternal, so trust Me when you hear My Voice.
Do you hear Me when I whisper, “Trust Me and do not be afraid.”? Trials and challenges come from every direction, it’s true. Fear and discouragement are favorite tools of Our enemy. When you start to take your eyes off of Me, when you begin to succumb to your fear, affirm you faith by calling on My name and trusting My Word. Shout to the Lord with a loud voice, praise My Holy name. Compose yourself in My Presence, and walk boldly into your day.
As you journey through this life there are many pitfalls along the way. Are you listening for My voice among the many that clamor for your attention? Truly, it is My voice that will direct your steps, and it is My Spirit that will protect you as you work for Me in enemy territory.
Avoid the miry pits of despair and the slippery slopes of self preservation by keeping your focus on Me.
My promises never change; I will love you forever, I will never leave you nor forsakeĀ you. Will you trust Me?
The JOY of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10