Endless Love

Be aware of  My Spirit who  is all around you as I  reach out and gently place My crown upon your head. Truly, I Am closer than the air that you breathe. Arise, My daughter, and put on your robes of righteousness before  you enter Our sanctuary.

You will soon be surrounded by My Mercy and crowned with My Love. Yes, My Love is extravagant; My Love is endless. Come into My Presence with expectation and receive all that I have for you. You are worthy as a chosen child of the King!


Robes of Righteousness

Throw off that spirit of heaviness and wrap yourself in garments of praise! I bought your robe especially for you, paying the highest price. I want you to feel comfortable wearing My righteousness, trusting Me to lighten your burdens as you walk with Me. Truly, I have made a way for you to cast your cares  upon Me. Draw strength for today from My Word and be prepared to conquer any foe, for My Glory is Your shield, just as My blood is your robe of righteousness.


Unexplainable Peace

psalm 23There is warmth in My glorious Presence; there is joy abounding! Come and bask in My Glory and I will overflow your being with unexplainable Peace.
Yes, My child, trusting Me will displace any fear, any worry that clouds your mind. Time in My Presence will heighten your discernment and soften your heart. I challenge you this day to give Me what is Mine so that I, in turn, can give you what is yours.



Do you desire understanding? Truly, I tell you again that understanding will not bring lasting peace into your life. This is the reason My Word instructs you to trust in Me and not in your own understanding.
This world has endless problems to confront and then overcome. The onslaught can overwhelm you if you do not stay close to Me. So, come into My Presence with expectation knowing that every victory comes through Me and so does the Peace which surpasses your understanding.


Child of the King

Remember on this day what is celebrated, My child. Not only are you a joint heir with Me, you are set free from the law of sin and death. What a glorious day it is when I place My blood-drenched robes of righteousness on your shoulders and a crown upon your head.
Can you not  hear the angels rejoicing in heaven? Indeed, I have given them charge over you…. Until I come.
