You do, indeed, live in a fallen world that is unraveling right before you. Only an intimate relationship with Me will protect you from the attacks of Our adversary.
When you advance into enemy territory, you must prepare yourself. Allow Me to dress you in My armor as you get prepared for your day, remembering that with proper preparation, We can face and ultimately overcome any obstacle together. However, understand that My armor does not cover your back – trust Me for I Am your Protector and the Lifter of your head.
Breathe, child, and know that your recovery from all spiritual warfare is in every exhaled breath. Draw your strength from Me as I
Am the very Air you breathe.
Run with endurance the race set before you with confident understanding that My Glory has, indeed, gone before you. Expect victory as you turn your eyes toward Me and be ye healed as you serve Me by serving others.
When you place your hand in Mine, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Because you have your shield of faith raised, all fiery darts will fall harmlessly to the ground. Indeed, any evil that is meant against you, I tell you that My Father in heaven has already redeemed it for your good. Trust Me.
The JOY of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10