Rejoice in Me, and receive My continual gift of peace by lingering in My Presence, sharing your fears and your dreams; trusting Me in every area of your life. This exercise in stillness will accomplish more than any activity of the day. In this place of quiet submission, you are waging spiritual battles that only My army can win. Yes, child, you are more than a conqueror! You are Mine!
You can boldly come into My Presence today because you wear My robes of righteousness which are drenched in My blood.
Worship Me with your whole being; sing of My mercies with a grateful heart, leaving all of your concerns with Me for I have, indeed, turned your mourning into dancing.
When you empty yourself out and open your spirit to hear My Voice, it is then that I will pour out My Spirit and refresh you from the inside with My living water. As you soak in My Presence, I can a give you direction for your day, purpose for your life and a fresh unexplainable joy. Again, if you are thirsty and dry, I call you to drink from My Fountain.
Do not worry about what this day will bring, nor anticipate how others will respond to you. Rather, focus your attention on My Light that is directing your footsteps along the path I have chosen for you. Trust Me, and do not be afraid. Truly, I tell you that there is now no condemnation for you who are trusting Me. I AM your strength for today, the song in your heart, and yes, your salvation for eternity.
Yes, dear one, I have been a part of my Father’s plan since the beginning. He knew then what it would take to have a personal relationship with you. In fact, He planted the seed; He nourished and nurtured that sapling, and We grew the tree knowing that it would be used to make the old rugged cross. This love is stronger than any emotion that you might feel. My Father gave His only son – I gave My life so that you might live. This amazing love is truly yours for eternity. Reach out….