You do, indeed, live in a fallen world that is unraveling right before you. Only an intimate relationship with Me will protect you from the attacks of Our adversary.
When you advance into enemy territory, you must prepare yourself. Allow Me to dress you in My armor as you get prepared for your day, remembering that with proper preparation, We can face and ultimately overcome any obstacle together. However, understand that My armor does not cover your back – trust Me for I Am your Protector and the Lifter of your head.
Constant companionship is what I offer to you each day. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in today, no one can take away this glorious gift! It’s mana for your taking; come and gather your daily portion of My Grace that is lavishly spread before you.
Take Me with you when you leave your secret place and trust Me as you make decisions for family. Just as I have nourished you for the day, I have also given you a clear mind and a pure heart. Go and expect My Glory to lead you…
My child, know that your words have power! As you become confident in My leading, you can readily allow Me to impart positive energy into every situation around you instead of bringing negativity and desperation. It begins when you choose to turn your thoughts toward Me and think on things that are true and noble; things that are just, pure and lovely; things of good report. Yes, meditate on things that are praiseworthy and, truly words of power will flow from your heart.
If you will seek Me, you will find Me. My imminent Presence is a constant shield that protects you from the fiery darts of the enemy as well as a comforting shelter where you are encouraged to face the day. Truly I tell you that you cannot hide your thoughts from Me. Acknowledge My intimate nearness and allow My Glory to fill you and then… empower .you
In the morning when you rise, seek My face. Before you begin you day, ask Me to go with you. My joy will sustain you as surely as manna preserved the people of Israel in the desert for 40 years. Indeed, I Am more than enough to fulfill your dreams and satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Come, dear one. Allow My Spirit to strengthen you, energize you, motivate you to overcome any obstacle that the enemy throws into Our path. We are, after all, more than conquerers.