All posts by Cherie Jones

Follower of Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come.

Drawing Close

You can be as close to Me as you choose today, you know. There are no time restraints in My Presence.  I never build barriers; nor will I  tear down your walls. Indeed,  I wait patiently for you to find Me, share your plans for the day with Me, relax in My company……and yes, enjoy our time together.
It is only in this peaceful place that you truly will find that elusive peace that quenches the fiery darts of Our enemy and experience uncompromised JOY. Are you coming.?


Seize the day

Search for Me not only in the morning quiet, but determine in your heart to take Me with you into your day. When My name is on your lips and overcoming joy is evidence of your faith, you are becoming more like Me. Boldness will replace uncertainty in your testimony, and a humble  confidence will open doors of opportunity.  Come, let’s face the day together.


Trust is an action verb

As you sit quietly in My Presence, allow your fears and worries to come to the surface of your mind….
trust in the lordIn this place of confident protection from your enemy, I can make these issues disappear! The cause of your restlessness is that you keep fretting over future events, and I am not consulted nor included.
Will you realize that My Presence is with you NOW – and then trust that I will never leave you nor forsake you?


Still, small voice

My sheep hear My voice … for I AM your ever-present Help in times of trouble. My promise is that I will be with you always; I will never leave you or forsake you. Are you with Me? Are you listening?

Truly,  I tell you that In the stillness of My Presence you can hear My voice; then your ear becomes attuned to My Spirit, and you will take Me with you throughout your day. Shhh, be still and know that I AM …..


Saturated in Glory

In the stillness of the fresh morning light, I am waiting in My pasture for you. Come, My Child, and allow Me to saturate you with My Glory. I have made you a wonderful sanctuary where you can draw strength for the day and encouragement to share with others; a safe place where you can feel My Spirit surrounding you, protecting you, filling you with confident resolve to defeat your enemy.
Again, I say, Come. Meet Me with expectation, and I will bless you beyond what you ask or anything that you can imagine. Then We will face Our day together.
