Tag Archives: Nehemiah 8:10

Is your Joy showing?

Do not allow any circumstance of your day intimidate you! The more challenging your day, the more Power I will display. My power is greater than any circumstance, any situation, any person that confronts you this day. Look at your day as an opportunity to glorify My Father and share with any who will hear your testimony of His greatness. Is your JOY showing?


Gift of Joy

Even though many tasks are clamoring for your attention, I call to you to be still in My Presence. Only I can multiply your time and organize your thoughts. Only I can prepare you for the battles to come and the obstacles in your path to crush.
Linger with Me before you begin your day, and the joy of the Lord will surely be your strength.



gratitudeThankfulness is not magic, it is an attitude that will immediately usher you into My Presence. A grateful heart will focus on your blessings in the midst of trials and the hardest of life’s tribulations. In this place of gratitude, I can lavish My grace and unconditional love on you, so that you can then, in turn, bless others.
Be ye filled with the Joy of the Lord!


Only I…

Even though many tasks are clamoring for your attention, I call to you to be still in My Presence. The urgency to do something is a PhotoGrid_1456546050459distraction. Only I can multiply your time and organize your thoughts. Only I can prepare you for the battles to come and the obstacles in your path to crush.
Linger with Me before you begin your day, and the joy of the Lord will surely be your strength.

I Know You

I know every thought before you think it; I know every word before you speak. I Am the air you breathe. My Presence is hovering around PhotoGrid_1456545991857you, waiting for you to stop and seek Me.
In all your ways acknowledge My existence and I will cleanse you; I will tell you things of the Spirit; I will strengthen you with My joy, and then you are victorious.

As I flourish in you, My Light will shine through you… Then I can reach others…..by your example.
